Project ITV

Project ITV

Monday, December 9, 2013

Speech bubbles appear when you leave the game

Sunday, 8 December 2013

I hardly work on the game on certain days, but since I am here writing about Introvert, the game isn't dead yet!

Today, and for the past few weeks, I've been working on some small stuff. But I will just talk about one of the things I did today, which was to make the turtle talk when you do not move for a certain duration. So if you pretend to "afk" in the game, but do not move the turtle for about 15 seconds, he starts to talk. I made this to touch up on the turtle's character.

In the first two levels when he is just an infant turtle (still in the egg), he is curious and often asks questions. In the next four levels, he asks about how big he can grow and about the people around him.

In the Forest levels, he speaks about wanting to get out of the place quickly.

In the Countryside levels, he enjoys the place and wants to stay in that place a bit longer.


The other thing I did was to make the required stationary duration different depending on what level it is.
In the early levels, the player talks when you do not move him for more than 10-15 seconds.

In the forest levels, he becomes less "talkative", so he does not talk until you did not move him for 30 seconds.

In the later levels when you meet the girl, he talks much more. You may notice that he starts talking when you do not move him for 10 seconds.

Each time he talks, the player chooses a text at random. During each level, the same text will not appear more than once.

Improvements to make:
- Possibly add animations when he says one of these random text. Maybe he can sit on the grass and close his eyes to relax...

Summary of tasks accomplished:
New things:
- New player animation (enter door)
- Bench level scene extended
- Enter Portal animation
- Message State to Level 301

More recently:
- Idle talk
- Level Select Finalized
- New BG when u sit down in LS
- Several levels have zoom in
- Several levels start at 2x Zoom
- Flashing of restart btn

- Gallery x 2 new items

Monday, November 18, 2013

New animations and touching up the scenes

18 November 2013 - New animations and touching up the scenes

Been busy today! But I managed to do some small stuff that made my weekend somewhat productive! I'm happy with the changes so far!

- Level 62: Drew a new animation for a turtle entering a door. This animation is actually pretty cool because it involves some depth and a bit of illusion, rather than flat 2D animations I typically do.
- The new bench level is cooler. Planning to add some special effects to the level.
- Level 301 (Memory scene 1): Now has a "message scene" before the level. By the way, the game does not have 301 levels. Level 301 and 302 are special exceptions as they are special levels that don't flow with the norm.
- For several levels like Level 301, I added new "messages" and "speech bubbles" to add on to the game's storyline. I think the newer text is much cooler :)

New player animation, yay!
enterPortalFrames animation was drawn today, and after so many months, the turtles now play an animation for entering a portal before cutting off directly to the next level!

I will have to work on fixing some issues with the game soon, so I can't keep adding stuff and implementing all the cool stuff I want :(

At this moment, I don't know if the game can be done by December...

Also, Christmas is coming soon. I usually draw a Christmas turtle scenery each year. Earlier this year, I planned to make a mini-game, borrowing some art assets from Introvert, sorta like a Christmas special, just for fun. But well, I might not have the time to do so.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Level Selection Screen remade, New Cutscenes

24 October 2013

I've been really busy in life and away for 4 months because of National Service! I could only come back home on weekends and by then I am usually too tired to do much. However, with a stroke of luck, I was posted to a unit that doesn't require us to stay in, which is extremely rare. As such, I am able to come back home every day at 7.30pm. I don't want to let valuable time pass by like this. The few hours every day isn't much, but at least I now have some time to devote to work on Introvert!

Level Selection Screen remade
I also had a one week holiday, which I used to solve certain issues pertaining to the Level Select, which has been bugging me for the past months. The reason why the LevelSelect had to be changed in the first place was because:
- It was too squeezy
- Does not look very nice

The Level Selection screen has undergone major changes every once in a while, and the main problems with my level selection screen based on feedback was:
- Too troublesome to navigate. Player has to actually "play" the levelselect to enter a level. Not cool.
- Messy. There is no flow in the levelselect. The portals to the levels are zigzagging everywhere.

Making a UI-based level select solves some old issues, but introduced new ones.
- Ugly
- Not intuitive
- Lots of empty space not utilized
- Does not transit well (player is suddenly restricted to grid-like movement to select levels)
I wasted a lot of time just re-doing. I have a bunch of that went to waste.

In the end, I made a new Level Select map that solves most problems. It looks pretty, is orderly and neat, and isn't troublesome to navigate, but Han told me he could not explain it, but he preferred the "messy" Level Selection map, because the way the portals are arranged, and I guess the need for the player to "explore" the map gave him a feel that the turtle's life was transitioning from being down in life to happiness. I suppose it sounds like a really cool feeling I want to give players, but as of now, I lack enough testers and feedback to make a conclusion of what works best.

Level Select comparisons
Top left shows the Level Selection being worked on currently (no decoration props added yet). Top right shows the interface level select.
And the 4 screenshots below are just versions of the old level selection screen are just there so that I can take the good points from them, and try to come up with a design that eliminates as much negative points as possible while combining the positive aspects of each design.

Another aspect of the game that I like to work on: Cutscenes!
Somehow, I keep having ideas of cutscenes. They seem to really excite me for some reason, because they aren't just traditional levels like the others. Each cutscene has its 'unique' feature, and that is what makes me excited.
I made three new cutscenes, and I am extremely proud of the final cutscene, which has some really cool stuff that I never attempted before. I really went crazy on the effects and transition of the scenes, and although the transition was very short, I was quite impressed that I made the entire cutscene work within just two days, especially since coding skills have the tendency tend to rust after such a long break.

Pictures of cutscene:

I have not shown anyone the new cutscenes, not even Li Hao or David. They are both very busy currently, which makes me feel so sad and lonely, being unable to gather any feedback. *Desperately need testers*

The cutscenes might undergo changes since there will definitely be ways I can make them more awesome, especially since Li Hao and David always gave me really helpful feedback.

Believing in yourself (warning: lots of personal reflections/musings here)
I know nobody came here to read some rubbish morales/ life lesson thing, much less want to know how I feel about producing a game, but just now, I was looking to improve/expand on the Main Menu background. I found myself staring at the Main menu background for a good time.

You know, many months ago, when I made my first background, I thought that it looked really good. When I was later told that it was not good enough, I was very sure that there was no way I could improve it. There was no way I could do any better. Yet eventually, I ended up drawing something so much better and much more impressive. I thought I could reuse some of the old main menu assets, but I realised I did not want to.

And when I was deleting some of the old main menu assets from the xlf file that houses all the game assets, I honestly felt that what I drew months ago would never cut it as a Main Menu. It was really ugly lol, especially the buttons. The old main menu used to be pretty to me, and I could not let go of that, so I refused to believe I could draw something better, but I did in the end. I discarded the main menu I took days to draw, and it was worth it.

I didn't believe I could do better, but I did.

But this isn't just a single lesson and all. One of the things that I wanted to learn was how to let go of old stuff - letting go of the past has been something I have not been doing well in.

I have a feeling that at the end of this project, I will have learnt more than just programming and learning how to utilize Photoshop... There are just some things we learn along the way that we never thought we'd learn when we first do it.

When I started making Introvert, I never thought that one day, I'd hire David to make sounds and music for the game.

When I started making Introvert, I never thought that one day, I'd actually go to the extent to invest my own money, to try to reach a standard that would have approval from sponsors. I didn't even know that FGL existed, much less expect myself to use it.

Looking at Introvert, and seeing how close it is to completion, it really makes me happy. It's the overwhelming excitement that fills me that makes me want to push myself to complete it, to talk about it, to work on it, and to think of it when I go to bed, when I go through the physical training while I'm in the army.

Some day, months from now, Introvert will (hopefully) be published, and I am ever so curious to see players' feedback on it. I hope I have not pushed my hopes too high, and hopefully I won't be disappointed by how this game fares. After all, I have put so much effort into this game. But of course, I understand that effort doesn't always reap rewards.

I guess when the game is completed, I will find out.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Polishing update 1

Progress so far
The game has gone through several changes since the start of the polishing stage, and is starting to look much better! I improved the art of the starting levels and there are also some design changes that were made, with help from David. Most importantly, the text is now looking waaaaaay better than before!

New Font for game text
The first thing that had to go if this game were to look good was the default Font. I added 9 fonts in the game and added hotkeys F1 ~ F9 to change the fonts, to directly see which fonts look best in the game, while playing in real time. I, David and Li Hao all had different opinions on which font looks the best, which makes it confusing haha.

But with the font change, the game looks presentable. I was so excited about this change!

Text change
The text for the first few levels was also rewritten. Woohoo!

Game Logo
I changed the shape of the logo and made it look a bit better. But it might still have to change in the future. You can see the new logo in Cliffhangar3.png below.

New Introduction Cutscene
I was really tired of working on the game at one point. I used to draw random turtle pictures, and I realise how fun it was to draw random things, so I drew a turtle staring at the moon, under the tree.

With some ideas and tweaking, I got ambitious and turned this into an actual cutscene in the game! Guess I didn't waste too much time on random drawings after all.


New Decorations and Tiles for Hills of Reminiscence
I drew new tiles, and experimented with colors for awhile before finally getting something that looks better. I was told that this still needs improvement though, and I wish I knew how to draw better rock tessellations. Also, this is probably the last time you can see the old font in the game in the screenshot:

The old level looked like this, and Li Hao probably fainted when he saw this:

And here is an even earlier version, but isn't the oldest though:

Finalized new turtle sprites
I finished drawing the turtle sprites some time ago, after experiencing issues with trying to make my turtles look consistent. It's so much harder to draw turtles for a game than to actually draw them for pictures/cutscenes!

The male turtle now has 5 different forms, or "levels" as David likes to call it.

Baby: 16 x 32px (turtle in an egg)
Small: 10 x 20px (default)
Normal: 16 x 32px
Large: 20 x 40px
Largest: 24 x 48px

There is actually a final form, but this was removed.
Super large: 128 x 256px

The problem I had with scaling the turtles was that they had undesirable pixelation. Drawing multiple sprites minimizes the issue, but doesn't actually solve it completely sadly. Li Hao helped me with coding another method to scale the turtle, but it does not work well with pixel sprites. The scaling was a nightmare... and drawing so many turtles is certainly exhausting.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

12-18 May New turtle sprites, Camera panning, Etc

Progress so far...
The game was in a way, completed. Everything done now is to make the game better and polish it :)
I have one month left to do this!

New Turtle Sprites
You know, one thing I learned recently with the help of Li Hao is that...drawing is easy.
But drawing for a game is not.

When I was drawing random turtles and comics, it was pretty easy. I didn't have to think to draw. But when it comes to drawing for games, there is a lot thinking required, and I was not a very good thinker / analyzer.

Things like style differences, sprite outlines, whether something looks too 3D-ish, whether something should be spinning or not, they became things I had to really look into because of this project. And I had overlooked many things. Of course, that meant I learned a lot too.

Camera Panning
It was disorienting to have the camera immediately switch to the player's location after moving through a door or switching players. The camera now follows the player loosely, and pans from one player to another when switching among the two controllable players.

This is my favourite change to the game this week. I couldn't stop moving my character through doors just to play with the camera panning to and fro.

Less punishment
Spikes collision box reduced.

Zoom changes
All levels had their zoom rounded to absolute values (1.0, 2.0, 3.0x zoom).

Text Design
Text enters a level with fade and move into the level from a certain direction. I created a function so I can easily adjust the fade intensity, direction, the distance which the text moves before locking into its final place, the starting alpha value of the text when it appears.

Reflection + Idea of a second game
I had the idea of new game. I wouldn't call it Introvert 2, because it isn't a sequel. It will be a much smaller and simpler game that is only slightly related to the story of Introvert. I simply do not want to attempt making a game of the scale of Introvert. That is just too tough for me to do alone. Honestly, Introvert was better meant to be done in a team, and I'm glad that I had the help of Li Hao, and though it is pretty late, David is also helping me correct design issues for the past days.

If I have the time, I will probably make another game after this, even though I repeatedly told myself that Introvert will be the first and last game I will make.

7-9 May - Meeting The David Carney

Meeting The David Carney (Written in the week of 7 May)

This has got to be one of the most exciting week for me!

I had been trying to contact David Carney in hopes that I can work with him, and also because he makes really good music, and the game's sounds is lacking in quality as well. On 7 May, I finally got the chance to talk with him.

Day 01
He seemed reluctant to work with me at first, but I managed to convince him! I was soo happy when he asked me to send a copy of the game for him to look at. I was overwhelmed with excitement. I was so warm and sweating, and full of nervousness and tension when I was talking to him. But don't get me wrong, he's a nice person. I just get all nervous talking to him for the first time.

Day 02
On 8 May, we discussed about the game as well as about business and it was a real joy to talk to him, though I was still trying to suppress my excitement / tension whenever I wait for his replies. I couldn't sleep after that because I was just so caught up thinking about our conversation that I was too excited to sleep. He said that he would come up with a list of the music/sounds in the game. And another list concerning the design issues. I was looking forward to the lists.

Day 03
He talked to me about some of the things he liked about the game as well as well as a bit of the things he felt needed to change.

Day of 15 May
He gave me the list of the design issues with the game. The sound fx and music list was written last week. It was time to start fixing!

It has been pretty awesome so far.


15 May 2013

This is a bit more personal than the other entries here about the game.

You see, my time is limited. I will be enlisted in National Service on 12 June, and it's 15 May now. I had been training up for NAPFA for the past few weeks in hope that I would get a two-month reduction to serve National Service.

Unfortunately, I did not make my NAPFA booking in time, and I was not able to take the test. I had my schedule planned out across the following two months because I was very sure I could get the extra two months.

This was a mistake I made that I overlooked the NAPFA booking. It has quite a consequence, because now I have less than 30 days to finish and make any changes I want to make to the game.

But, Li Hao told me a few things that made me realise a bit more about how Introvert has progressed. Introvert got this far, and it's much further than what I could have dreamed of months ago. I learned so much.  And just last week, I met David Carney and worked with him, and he's been a great help !!!

Indeed, I have gained alot, and though I would gain much more if I had those two extra months to work on Introvert, I shouldn't be too disappointed that I lost it, since I have already gained so much.

But it was my mistake still.

I made many mistakes when I had been working on Introvert. Fate hasn't really been good to me, but if I were to look back, and learn from those mistakes, and be grateful that I met David Carney and look at what the game has accomplished, I will be truly happy.

I will only be able to check on the game on weekends after a three week confinement. And with one month left, I guess I have to take things a lot more seriously.

"will be looking forward to see u on weekends", Li Hao told me.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

5-11May Adding lightning, misc stuff

Progress so far
The game is complete save for a few many things that has to be done:
- Music*
- Sound*
- Grayscale Feature (working on it)
- Polishing and improving whatever graphics I have
- Improving the first few levels as they tend to be boring and pointless

*Waiting for a reply before it can begin

I added some lightning to amplify the drama of the last level.
The left most lightning was ironically, inspired by a photo of real lightning, but I think it looks the least interesting among the 3 lightning streaks, so I put it in the most elusive place I could find on the map.

The night of 7 May is going to be unforgettable. I talked to David Carney. I hope he will have the time to work with me on the project. But I also realise that I have much polishing left to do. There was so much tension in the air for me, and when the tension dissipates, stress remains.

Redrawing / Retracing the turtles
Planning to redraw the turtles in better graphics.

Contacting David Carney
I contacted David Carney in hopes of working with him.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

28Apr - 4May Game Trailer/ Settings/ Final ending added

Things are almost complete now. The game is nearing its final phase. All that is left is music, sounds as well as polishing the graphics and levels a bit more.

I incorporated a fourth unlock-able ending into the game, and added Cheats to the game which can be unlocked after completing the entire game. "Completing" here basically means having seen and been through every thing in the game + completed all achievements and not just by completing all levels.

I'm happy with how the game is right now, and I was told that I should be happy because the game is really almost complete now.

The game at the end of this week is currently at 64 levels, 1 main ending and 3 secret unlockable endings and one "Game Complete" ending, which isn't an ending, but something to let the player know that he/she has truly completed the game.

It is safe to say that I am finally seeing the light at the end of this long and arduous tunnel.

Game Trailer
I was very against the idea of making a game trailer as I felt that it was something unnecessary and time consuming. But now, there is a need for it, and since I have some spare time, I decided to make one. I have written a number of things and events that happen sequentially that I want to be seen in the trailer.

On 1 May, I completed the trailer! It took me one day to get all the necessary gameplay footage and complete the trailer. But it took me another 2 days (multitasking this and other stuff) to actually touch up on the final trailer. All that is left is music for the trailer.

Settings for Music and Sounds
Apparently, Flixel's mute does not separate music and sounds. I was going in circles thinking of an efficient way to separate them, but the game just keeps crashing no matter what I try.

In the end, the solution was rather simple, though it took me days to figure it out/do it. I just created a group to store all the sounds I use, and adjust the volumes of all sounds in the group.

Li Hao gave me more work too. He said that when a music is muted, it should not pause or stop, but continue playing, so that when the music is resumed, it doesn't start from the beginning and reset the mood. I felt that was a fantastic thought. I finally completed coding them today. This was tougher than I thought, and I spent too much time on this.

Recreating level 1?
Currently, the level 1 in my game (and some of the earlier levels) are pretty pointless.
I am thinking of redoing them. I have an idea, but it doesn't really flow well with the rest of the levels. It's pretty hard to improve current levels too.

Issue with Level Editor feature
Apparently, I was reading up on how the Local SharedObject works. It seems it cannot store complex data types, like my LevelData class. My level editor cannot save levels because I use the LevelData class to save custom levels created in the editor. This means I have to use arrays. I had nightmares coding arrays in the editor feature.

So to solve the issue, I have an array which represents my old LevelData, of arrays such as the player's positions, enemies' positions, one of which is an array of keys, of an array of blocks' coordinates.

So to speak, I now use an array, of arrays, of arrays, of arrays to store a coordinate, of a block, of a key, of a LevelData. Sweet array-ception!

It could go one more level deeper, by creating an Array of 5 LevelDataArrays, as there are 5 save slots given to the player to create their own custom levels. So instead of using 5 arrays, I use a single Array of 5 arrays. Buuuut, I don't want to fry my weak brain any more than I should.

Thankfully, this issue was extremely easy to fix.

New 'Cutscene' Graphics
I was getting a little bored, since I have to wait for the music. So I revisited two particular cutscenes which are simply not up to par with the other graphics I drew for the game. I drew these in Paint, a year ago, and reused them for this game.

Then, I redrew them in 1800 x 1800 px resolution, and scaled them down to fit the game window:


Even though the tree, city backdrop and the bench were reused assets, it still took me longer than I wanted, because it was fun doing it and I wanted to make the scenes look good. The day picture received a different colour scheme because the original picture makes the scene look too warm (though it was meant for a sunset originally). The night picture is my favourite no doubt.

They certainly look much better than I initially expected. I wanted them to be a small picture initially, but I saved it as 480 x 480 in the end since there was enough detail to call for a bigger picture size.

Though I have already designed a game logo, I considered using the day scenery for a game logo.

Minor changes
Level 54 has some interesting text
Added checkpoints to the Level Selection screen
Added a hidden 5th cheat.
Auto-pause re-enabled.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

21-27April Compressing / 64 levels completed / Grayscale / New Level Select

After implementing the endings and the final 10 levels of the game, I have finally come to an end of producing more content for the game. Although there is a lot of things I want to implement, time runs short and I have to get on with other issues.

The game at the start of this week is currently at 64 levels, 1 main ending and 2 secret unlockable endings.

Game size issue
The game .swf file was 43MB and my target is for it to reach less than 20MB. That's right, I have a lot of compressing to do. I am compressing as many images as possible and converting backgrounds to jpg, which I should have done so when I first created them. Also, I need to see if I can optimize the way I use my backgrounds in some places. Hopefully I can reach my target of below 20MB!

New Platform Tiles
I redrew the grass tiles of the countryside. It looks better. It went through a few more versions before the final one.

You can see above how the grass tiles have transformed to how it is now and how the rocks were eventually removed because it made the repetition of tiles way too obvious and make it look pattern-ish.
Autopause removed
Previously, the game auto pauses when your flash player loses focus. I disabled that since I don't think it's necessary. It also stops the music and I want to let the music run sometimes.

240p backgrounds @&!#
I forgot to take into account the 2x zoom of the game when I changed my backgrounds to JPEG. And when I mistakenly set flash to compress my JPEGS a second time, to an 80% quality of the already miserable 60% quality I first had, I played my game and...

Oh my god, my backgrounds looked like some 240p youtube video. I of course, reverted it to Lossless PNGs later on.

Higher Resolution Turtles
It took me two nights on a lagging Photoshop to finish drawing completely new frames for the new sprite turtles. Each sprite is 128 x 256 and is the LARGEST turtle sprite. Li Hao helped me with much of the coding aspect, though he didn't want to tell me exactly everything of how to do it because he wanted me to learn a bit as well. But he was nevertheless a great help.
Animating the turtle...

Planking turtle (playing with rotation)

Bug that caused the turtle to scale to an unimaginable size

Oh, and attaching a camera to my player produced this wonderful bug when I forgot to add a code to clear the camera screen every frame after drawing the player, so the player is drawn every frame. I thought this was cool...
I also got pretty amused by this bug... Whoever has sharp eyes should try to spot the real turtle above.

As Li Hao compressed my game from a whopping 43MB to 26MB, he made this cool version of the game. Grayscale! We both realised how cool it was and thought it would be a great idea to make a grayscale version of the game for real! It might be a feature added to the game if time allows.

Using .swc files
Okay, this isn't anything to do with any progress on the game, but Li Hao taught me how to use .swc files to contain my images, rather than embedding my images everytime I want to compile my game.

I spent several hours last night and the entire of today (22 April) importing all my images into Flash CS6. This way, I don't re-embed my assets everytime the game is compiled.

It used to take about 15-20 seconds to compile my game. I have not even imported all my images yet, but I can notice a significant decrease in the time taken for the game to compile! I should have done this right from the start because FlashDevelop seems to have issues when the game got bigger.

Importing all my images is also supposed to reduce the size of my game. It was 43MB including music and sounds, but it gone down to 12MB! I was told that Flash's compression is really good and indeed, reducing 30MB like this is impressive. I'm still aiming for a lower file size though.

After compressing more of my images, it became 11MB and is now 10.8MB. Hopefully it can reach 8MB but I have a BIG BOSS to fight.

It has over 100 embedded images, and is my largest bulk of my code. I'm going to have to fight this big boss soon and hopefully I can hit 8MB after defeating this big boss.

Lossy JPEG vs Lossless PNG
So one of the things I had to test was which compression method was better. The only way is to actually test out by putting two games side by side and compare. With the aid of Li Hao, I learned a couple of new things. Apparently JPEG is better for photos and PNG is better for vector art style. In the scenario below, the JPEG is 10KB smaller than PNG.
I ran the game twice. One version where Flash compresses the backgrounds as JPEG, and the other where Flash uses Lossless PNG.

In the above screenshot, the red gradient for the house looks fine on PNG version, but bad on JPEG, which matches up with what was said earlier since this particular background was drawn with vector style art.

The hills (bottom right) also have a noticeable green outline on the JPEG version, but not visible on the PNG. Since the size difference of 10KB is somewhat negligible, I think it's better for this background to be compressed as PNG.

The  forest though, is harder to tell the difference because the forest, of all backgrounds I drew, is the one that mostly resembles a photo. But I went to edit the screenshot and place the JPEG right over the PNG. The colour for PNG is more pleasing than on JPEG. So I ultimately decided on PNG for the forest. Same goes for the City background, which had unusual colors on edges of my buildings on JPEG.

I guess this concludes the test :) I was strongly supportive of JPEG because of its smaller file size, but since quality is compromised, I will have to use PNG. This led to an increase of 3MB of game size, sadly.

The backgrounds in the Gallery are only viewed at 1x zoom, so I suppose JPEG is still alright since the issues I found required me to zoom in to like 200% zoom to notice.

File sizes test:
80% JPEG quality = 8.47MB
100% JPEG quality = 11.3MB
Lossless PNG = 9.51MB

This is have PNGs take up lesser space than the JPEG. Higher quality + Lower Game Size = Best of both worlds in the end? Sweet!

Apparently a few more tests still show that PNG takes up more space when testing with my level decorations.

Game Published to FGL
On 22 April 2013, in the wee hours of the morning around 6am, I published the game to FGL. It was an exciting moment as it is the first time people other than my friends are going to play the game! It garnered some comments of what was good and bad and I am improving the game as the days go.

On 26 April at around 3am, I recieved a message from FGL, saying that the game needed music before it could be shown to sponsors. The sounds also needed improvement. The Level Selection lobby was too cluttered as well.

The game got a rating of 6/10 after it was assessed based on graphics, sounds, etc. It wasn't as high as I expected. It seems that this is how the industry is like, competing with flash games around the world, internationally. It seems that the standards and requirements of a flash game are pretty high for it to get a sponsor. Should I be glad that I actually got better than a pass?

Within the next few days, the level selection will be revamped. It took me a long time to refine the AI for that, but I guess this revamp is necessary. I'm saddened, but I hope this will turn out good.

I've emailed David my game, and I hope all goes well!

Ending picture
Instead of just having text, I also drew a picture for thee "The End" screen. I think it looks pretty good! About half of the picture was reused from assets I already had, such as the moon, the tree and the turtle. I won't include the picture here as it may contain spoilers.

Level Selection Rearranged
After the above comments from FGL, I rearranged everything in the level select.

You can see the level select take shape in the above screenshots. The following screenshot is the entire levels selection state viewed in a single screen.
One of the level select designs I considered is a 'World map', which is getting trendy with games now. Unfortunately, while it solves some of the problems of the current level selection screen, doing that renders the current level selection extremely worthless.

Anyway, here are some sketches I did of what I imagined to be Introvert's world map:

Oh, the original level select was meant to be of a stair-case like structure, which slowly leads you to the top, and reach the rooftop. But elevators as well as the lack of space in the levelselection and long walking times turned this into several floors of staircases, which Li Hao said ruined it compared to the impact of having a single staircase.
 Another probable level selection screen was to categorize levels into zones. But I was told that this way, I was making it tough for players to enter a level since they have to navigate TWO maps instead of one, and I agree.

Minor Happenings
I sent my game, with the new levels to my friend, Han. He tested the game for me. As I watched him play, I could not stop laughing when he kept dying at Level 60. Level 60 is the toughest level in the game, reason being it is the last level before the ending is revealed. It requires strategy. But a walkthrough easily spoils that strategy and removes the difficulty sadly. My friend had no trouble with the level after seeing how it was supposed to be done.

The puzzles in level 51, 62, 63 and 64 seem to prove VERY difficult for an average player to solve on his own. I also laughed because I put things to distract the player from figuring out the puzzles, and my friend actually fell for those distractions. It made me feel that I was doing a good job at making players NOT complete the level.

If only I could somehow just watch people play this game, and see their reactions. I think that is sort of every developer's dream: to see how people react to their game, and whether players manage to see and find out the secrets hidden in the game, which I happened to put a lot of effort into, spamming secrets into the game.

This marks the end of another fast week.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

13-20April UI Changes / New BG / New Levels possibility

13 April to 20 April

From now on, I'm going to consolidate my progress on the game from a week to a single weekly/fortnightly posts that I will edit and add on, rather than creating a new post daily as I don't want to flood the place.

The game is currently at 50 levels, with one ending.

UI Changes

- Tried wooden buttons
- Added ability to change difficulty from a level
- Tokens now show on the UI
- Tokens can be clicked on and used in a level and can skip an entire level

Here is a screenshot of what happens when you click the respective buttons. UI consists of placeholders.

As an update though, I'm going to change the UI. I guess there's just too much clutter as seen below.
The only consolation I have to a whole day of wasted work is that I had used placeholder graphics.

NEW Game Backgrounds
With my newly acquired skills with Photoshop, I went back to one of the less prominent backgrounds, the Reminiscence, and redid the hills. The new background is much sharper and looks better.

I completely overhauled the dark forest background. The new background was did in higher res, so it looks much more clearer and detailed. It also looks pretty good and much better than the old one.

All in all the backgrounds are better looking. I'm proud of the forest one.

Door Graphics REVAMPED
I received plenty of critique about my graphics not fitting very well with the theme of the game, such as doors, keys and blocks being too "futuristic" for what is the theme of the game. I went to revamp my door graphics as I sourced for inspiration. One inspiration was Braid, an amazing Platformer game with fantastic art. It's not a flash game though, but it's positive motivation for me to better my art.
I put the old and new door graphics together in the above screenshot so you can see the difference.

Levels 51 ~ 60 ?
A late night discussion with Li Hao has given me the greenlight to work on the next and final ten levels of the game. A rework of the ending has also given me a clearer path of what direction the game will take from here.

Testing of new feature + Double platforming
Here, I test the implementation of two types of platforms and it seems to work smoothly. This is for an upcoming new feature I am adding to the game, the ability to destroy tiles! Seen here are two types of tiles: Indestructible (blue) and Destroyable (grass). The blue tiles were placeholders for ...

New Platforms!
I tested my new tiles with an existing level. It looks awesome!
The tiles have undergone several changes before its final form. Those are previous versions. The final version will look better (hopefully).

The new background has also been drawn, consisting of a few buildings. As with all my new backgrounds, it has 4 layers of pictures for parallax scrolling.

Easy Mode implementation!
The game now has several levels being manually easy-fied, for the EASY mode. This is to allow weaker players to advance through the game. There is no easy workaround this, so it is an extremely painful process of going through the tougher levels and see what tough elements can be reduced or removed completely.

Levels 51, 52, 54, 55, 56 Created
I created new levels and many of them have special effects that are unique to that level only.

Rain particle effects
I originally drew and animated rain, but I'm trying to use particles to do that now. The animated rain looks nicer, but the animation is fake. The particles seem to be more realistic, but it just looks weird.

It looks like snow...

Finally spent awhile decorating levels 40 to 50! Level 50 has an additional feature where I played with the layers of decorations. I also decided to make decorations a little interesting for level 49. One side of the map is decorated with red/brighter coloured flowers, whereas the other side of the map is coloured with blue/darker coloured flowers. I was thinking of making the right side be "darker" to reflect the guy turtle's personality whereas the girl, being more cheerful and bright, will have lighter coloured decorations...

On a side note, Flash Develop failed to compile my game as it hit the memory limit. Again.

It was increased from 312 to 512MB just two weeks ago. But the addition of these new decorations as well as my new backgrounds, the memory limit has been quickly reached again. This is worrying. The art assets are getting kind of heavy...
Currently, there are about 600 pictures in my image resources folder, and probably 100 more in 'decorations'.

I tried PNGGauntlet to compress one of my backgrounds. Its size decreased by 34%.
I then tried TinyPNG to compress the same background. Its size decreased by 68%, but a degrade in quality is noticeable on 400% zoom, which the game allows. It's a tough decision to make of quality vs file size.

Level Editor Improvements
Now, there are 5 save game slots for the Level Editor.
The levels can now be accessed and loaded from the level selection screen. If there is no level in the save file, the player is brought to the level editor to create a new level.

Minor Improvements & Changes
Enemies' speech bubbles slightly translucent now so it does not obstruct view
Level 9 has a secret conversation that exchanges between two 'intelligent' enemies
Achievements room has a secret wall
Level 50 has a secret area
Spikes graphics no longer have a black outline
Level selection state tiles greatly improved!

Notice also the Easy Normal and Hard button graphics were later changed as well, as well as the popup graphics, to match with the new look of the buttons.

20 April Results
62 Completed levels + 2 Additional special levels
2 Working endings